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Call for Papers for WikiSym 2007

25 February 2007 - 18:49 | Version 1 |

2007 International Symposium on Wikis
Wikis at Work in the World:
Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century

October 21-23, 2007, Montreal, Canada
Co-located with ACM OOPSLA 2007
In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB


Archived * Peer Reviewed * ACM Sponsored


The 2007 International Symposium on Wikis brings together wiki researchers, practitioners, and users. The goal of the symposium is to explore and extend our growing community. The symposium has a rigorously reviewed research paper track as well as plenty of space for practitioner reports, demonstrations, and discussions. Anyone who is involved in using, researching, or developing wikis is invited to WikiSym 2007!

We recognize the online world is always evolving, and we also welcome contributions which are about other online media consistent with the wiki philosophy of being open, organic and participatory.

We are seeking submissions for

  • research papers (long and short): due 7 May 2007
  • workshops: due 7 May 2007
  • panels: due 7 May 2007
  • posters: due 9 July 2007
  • demonstrations: due 9 July 2007

Given the interdisciplinary nature of wikis, we invite contributions from researchers and practitioners in a wide range of fields including:

  • business, marketing, law
  • communications and media studies
  • computer science, human-computer interaction
  • history, political science, geography
  • information and library science
  • linguistics, discourse analysis, language studies
  • natural sciences, medicine

Topics of interest to the symposium include, but are not limited to:

  • wiki technologies and implementations
  • wiki in the workplace; for business use
  • wiki as social software for collaboration and work group processes
  • wiki user experiences, usability, discourse analysis
  • wiki for non-text media (images, video, audio) and spatial systems
  • wiki content dynamics and evolution, wiki metrics
  • wiki journalism; wiki archiving
  • wiki reputation systems, quality assurance processes
  • wiki administration, processes, dealing with abuse
  • wiki scalability, social and technical
  • wiki and the semantic web, knowledge management, tacit-knowledge
  • wikis for specific domains (education, genomics, politics, etc.)
  • wikis written by and for small audiences (ex: family wikis)
  • wiki legal issues (copyright, licensing)
  • wiki translation and multilingual wiki content


Research papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Research papers are expected to advance the state of the art by describing substantiated new research or novel technical results or by reporting on significant experience (including case studies) or experimentation. They will be reviewed both with respect to conceptual quality and clarity of presentation. Note that authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and present the paper, otherwise publication will be canceled.

Accepted research papers will be provided as part of the conference proceedings. They will be put into the ACM Digital Library and can be referenced as papers that appeared in the "Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym 2007)". We invite full papers (recommended length of 10 to 15 pages with maximum of 20 pages, and a 30 minute presentation time) and short papers (maximum 6 pages, with a 15 minute presentation time). Papers should use the ACM SIG Proceedings Format, see:

Workshop and Panels submissions will be reviewed and selected for their interest to the community. A submission should consist of two pages describing what you intend to do and how you meet this criterion. It should include a 100-word abstract and one-paragraph bios of all people relevant to the submission. Workshops will be allocated a half-day or a full-day and a room of their own (depending on your request). Panels will be given a 90 minutes time slot and a room of their own.

Poster submissions will be reviewed on their merits and may describe research projects or experience reports. A submission should consist of two page extended abstract outlining the content of the poster. Successful applicants will be invited to bring a poster for display at the symposium. Posters must be flat and within 1mx2m in size.

Demos will be reviewed based on their relevance to the community. A submission should be one page in length, with a title, a short description of the demo, as well as a description of any special technical needs you may have (ex: wireless connectivity).

Please submit your papers or proposals in PDF format by the respective deadline through our submission system, which will be available through the WikiSym website. Questions should be directed respectively at (research papers and practitioner reports), (workshops and panels), or (posters and demos).


The 2007 International Symposium on Wikis will be held at the Palais des Congrès in Montreal, Canada, October 21-23, 2007. A special hotel rate has been negotiated at the Hyatt Regency Montreal. WikiSym 2007 will be co-located with the ACM OOPSLA 2007 conference, and participants may register for the symposium alone, or may jointly register for WikiSym and OOPSLA 2007. Registration is handled through the ACM OOPSLA website:

If you have any questions, please contact Alain Desilets through


  • Alain Désilet, NRC-CNRC, Canada (Symposium Chair)
  • Robert Biddle, Carleton University, Canada (Program Chair)

  • Phoebe Ayers, U. of California Davis, USA (Wikimedia Liaison and Publicity)
  • Angela Beesley, Wikia / Wikimedia, USA (Posters and Demos Chair)
  • Mark Bernstein, Eastgate Systems, USA (Panels and Workshops Chair)
  • Ward Cunningham, Eclipse Foundation, USA (Honorary Chair)
  • Ted Ernst, Open Space World (Open Space Chair)
  • Andrea Forte, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (Publicity Chair)
  • Dirk Riehle, SAP, USA (Treasurer and Corporate Sponsorships)
  • Peter Thoeny, and StructuredWikis LLC, USA (Web Master)

Zum Kommentieren ist eine Registration notwendig.

Kategorien: IsaBlog, IsaWiki


  • Beat Döbeli Honegger
  • Plattenstrasse 80
  • CH-8032 Zürich
  • E-mail: