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eLearning: Prozess und Produkt verbinden, nicht trennen!

17 September 2006 - 09:23 | Version 2 |
Via die Diplomarbeit Foren, Wikis, Weblogs und Chats im Unterricht von Erwin Abfalterer (Biblionetz:b02868) bin ich heute auf das Paper Blogs @ anywhere (Biblionetz:t06337) von James Farmer und Anne Bartlett-Bragg und die folgende Darstellung gestossen:


Die Autor/innen schreiben dazu:

In a traditional learning management system communication, content and participants are generally segmented into specific areas such as discussion boards, ‘learning modules’ and synchronous chat environments. Participants are able to communicate in specified areas through bulletin boards and interact with content as separate instances. In essence the participants are focused on the (bulletin-board) communication environments and the presented content.

However, in a blog based Online Learning Environment while content may be accessed from a particular location it is seen to be an integral part of each blogs production through links, commentary and more. Further, communication between participants is centred upon the each individual and facilitated through individual and group aggregation, comments on individual blogs and the use of hyperlinks by the participants.

Rather than segmented areas, courses become clusters of individuals. The capacity for participants to post to multiple categories through particular blogging tools allow then to actively belong to multiple communities and the use of comments, email, voip, instant messaging and other communication tools (frequently integrated into blog structure as alternative means of contact) allow for interaction extended beyond the discussion board area.

Diese Funktionsdifferenzierung von Learning Management Systemen habe ich im Vortrag "Wiki und die starken Lehrerinnen" an der INFOS 2005 kritisiert und als Metapher ein Funktionsdifferenziertes Schulhaus verwendet:


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Kategorien: IsaBlog, IsaWiki


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