Was beschäftigt Hochschul-IT-Manager?
29 July 2006 - 14:45
Version 1
Mit dieser Frage wiederum beschäftigen sich verschiedene interessante, meist jährlich erscheinende Publikationen:
- The Horizon Report
- Current IT Issues Survey Report von eduCause
- Gartner Group Hype Cycle for higher education
Gartner Group meint z.B. im Juni 2006
- On the Rise (kommende Trends, die gehypted werden)
- CobiT
- Technology-Enabled Classrooms
- Global Library Digitalization Projects
- At the Peak (Höchststand des Hypes und medialer Beachtung)
- Personally Owned Devices With Campus Network Access
- Podcasting Learning Content
- ID and Access Management
- Sliding Into the Trough (an Beachtung verlierend)
- E-Learning Repositories
- Peer-to-Peer Entertainment for Students
- CRM for Enrollment Management
- Learning Content Management
- Open-Source E-Learning Applications
- E-Portfolios
- Web Services for Administrative Applications
- RFID Library Materials Management
- Climbing the Slope (in ein produktives Stadium geratend)
- IP Video for E-Learning
- Next-Generation Library Management Systems
- Internet2/Next Generation Internet
- 802.11x on Campus
- Higher Education Enterprise Portals
- Course Management Systems
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