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Visualizing Didactic Processes with computer based Concept Maps

26 August 2006 - 13:27 | Version 2 |
As expected DPM is not the first try to visualize didactic processes. In the book chapter LEO: A Concept Map Based Course Visualization Tool for Instructors and Students PDF-Dokument) (Biblionetz:t04914) John W. Coffey presents an extension of the concept mapping software cmap (Biblionetz:w01642) as a tool for planning and delivering education courses. He argues that the resulting concept maps can be used as advance organizers (Biblionetz:w01732) by students.


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Kategorien: IsaBlog, IsaVisualisierung, IsaDPM, IsInEnglish


  • Beat Döbeli Honegger
  • Plattenstrasse 80
  • CH-8032 Zürich
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