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Taschenrechner immer verfügbar

17 August 2006 - 22:01 | Version 1 |

Aus der Projektbeschreibung des Projekts CAN (Calculator-Aware Number curriculum), zitiert nach Günter Krauthausen (Biblionetz:t06249):

„It is taken for granted that all children who are working on CAN always have a calculator available to use, whenever it is needed. The emphasis of the number work of the project is on understanding of number and the ability to use numbers in a variety of situations, and in a variety of problem-solving and investigational activities. Children should feel familiar and comfortable with numbers; calculations are done mentally or with the calculator. Much of the work is investigational, or is based on problem solving. Discussion and practical work also make an important contribution. The standard pencil-and-paper methods of calculation are not taught, although children are still encouraged, of course, to use pencil and paper when they need to record their work.

Das war vor 15 Jahren. Cool: "children always have a calculator available to use, whenever it is needed."

Ersetze Taschentechner durch Handheld und es wird offensichtlich: Die Idee ist gar nicht neu, alles schon mal dagewesen. Schön.

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Kategorien: IsaBlog, IsaHandheldInSchool


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