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Tablet PC in Education

05 July 2006 - 18:33 | Version 1 |
Yvonne Büttner hat Stanley auf eine Becta-Publikation aufmerksam gemacht: Tablet PCs in schools: Case study report (Biblionetz:b02802) PDF-Dokument

Beim Recherchieren habe ich gleich einen zweiten Becta-Report zum Thema Tablet PCs gefunden: Tablet PCs in schools: A review of literature and selected projects (Biblionetz:t06051) PDF-Dokument

Es würde sich sowieso lohnen, die Liste der BECTA-Publikationen mal durchzugehen.

Gleichentags ein Hinweis von Werner Hartmann:

Starting this fall semester, students in the engineering school at Virginia Tech will be required to have a Tablet PC, making the school one of the first to mandate such devices. Similar to a laptop but with a screen that users can write on with a stylus, Tablet PCs have been slower to take off than many had predicted. The program at Virginia Tech is a joint effort between the university, Fujitsu, and Microsoft. Over the summer, faculty will receive training in how best to incorporate Tablet PCs into their teaching. Virginia Tech's engineering school has often been an early adopter of technology, requiring students in 1984 to own personal computers.
ZDNet, 30 June 2006

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Kategorien: IsaBlog, IsaTabletPC, IsaSchoolICT


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