ModBook: MacBooks zu Tablet umgebaut
26 January 2007 - 22:18
Version 1
Apple selbst hat noch kein Tablet angekündigt, aber findige Drittfirmen machen es möglich:
The Axiotron
ModBook is immediately available for pre-orders in the US and Canada through an exclusive strategic-partnership arrangement between Axiotron and Other World Computing all through
The Axiotron
ModBook features WACOM Penabled® hardware for true pen input and is fully compatible with Apples Inkwell, a Mac OS X Tiger feature that provides system level handwriting and gesture recognition to all Mac applications. Drawing and writing directly on the screen provides for a uniquely intuitive user experience and its slim, slate-style form factor makes the
ModBook the ultimate companion for mobile users, artists, professionals, and students.
ModBook is also the only portable Mac solution that features an optional built-in Global Positioning System (GPS). The Axiotron ModBook GPS Module was developed in cooperation with
GlobalSat Technologies Corporation utilizing the industry leading SiRFstar III chipset for shorter first location fix times and improved tracking capabilities.
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Da wahrscheinlich ein bestehendes MacBook zerlegt und mit neuem Bildschirm usw. ausgestattet wird, sind die Preise entsprechend happig. Lieferbar in USA ab Mai 2007, bestellbar bereits jetzt.
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