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Ovation für Power-Point-Hasser

22 February 2006 - 15:57 | Version 1 |
Wasser auf die Mühlen der Power-Point-Hasser:


Die Firma Serious Magic verspricht bessere Präsentationen auf Knopfdruck, denn schliesslich kommt es nur auf die Oberfläche, aber keineswegs auf den Inhalt an...

Ich kann dementsprechend Elliott Masie auch nicht verstehen, warum er von diesem Produkt begeistert ist:

2. Presentation Performance Support: While I am not a big fan of long PowerPoints, I have been impressed with new products that are assisting the Presenter/Trainer in making their presentations. The latest is Ovation from Serious Magic. I downloaded the demo last night and found a performance support tool for a presentation. Using the 2 screen feature in Windows, it gives the presenter a private view with current and future slides, a scrolling teletype of notes and a countdown clock for each slide and the remaining time in the presentation. It also allows for random access to key slides based on audience questions. And, it has a drill down option for greater depth on a slide and a variety of templates.

Siehe auch Biblionetz:w01586

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