Extracts the documentation section from all parts of a WikiApplication

02 May 2019 - 09:18 | Version 1 |


  • NAME: application name, defaults to BASEWEB
  • THEWEB: web to search for docu, defaults to BASEWEB
  • TYPE: extract documentation of topics of the given type
  • NOTTYPE: don't list topics of that type

  • twbDocuHolder
  • twbDocuSectionHolder
  • twbDocuSectionSummary
  • twbDocuSectionText


   "WikiApplication='\b%NAME{default="%EXTRACT{text="%BASEWEB%" pattern=".*/(.+?)$" format="$1"}%"}%\b'
   AND TopicType=~'\b%TYPE%\b' 
   %IF{"defined NOTTYPE" then=" AND !(TopicType=~'\b%NOTTYPE%\b')"}%"
   header="<div class='twbDocuHolder'>
---+++ [[%TYPE%]]$n"
   format="<div class='twbDocuSectionHolder'>
---++++ [[$topic]]
<div class='twbDocuSectionSummary'>$formfield(Summary)</div>
<div class='twbDocuSectionText'>$percntDBCALL{\"$web.$topic\" section=\"documentation\" warn=\"off\"}$percnt
... [[$web.$topic][%MAKETEXT{"read more"}%]]</div>




returns a list of TopicTypes known in the base web
This is a "getter" TopicFunction that returns a list of known TopicTypes in a given web. Use it to create a selection in DataForms for the TopicType formfield. It adds the "none" type so that you can have (temporarily) un-typed topics. The type "TopicType" is added hardcoded so that you don't have to rely on that type being present in your web and to allow bootstrapping a type system in a web from scratch on as you will be able to create an initial TopicType TopicType this way.

  • WEBS: list of webs to search for TopicTypes, defaults to BASEWEB
  • EXCLUDE: expression to exclude types (optional)
  • ADDITION: types that are listed additionally (optional)

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Extracts the documentation section from all parts of a WikiApplication
  • NAME: application name, defaults to BASEWEB
  • THEWEB: web to search for docu, defaults to BASEWEB
  • TYPE: extract documentation of topics of the given type
  • NOTTYPE: don't list topics of that type

  • twbDocuHolder
  • twbDocuSectionHolder
  • twbDocuSectionSummary
  • twbDocuSectionText

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Render a list of all files making up a given application


Renders a list of DataForms that make use of the given DataFormAttribute
  • ATTR: DataFormAttribute to search for, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB

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Render a list of topics that use a given TopicFunction


Renders a widget to select an image attached to a topic
Select an image attached to a OBJECT topic

  • EXTENSIONS, defaults to jpe?g|JPE?G|gif|GIF|png|PNG|svg|SVG|webp|WEBP

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Fallback to render a summary for WikiTopic that does not have a type specific version of to render an index item
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object. This method serves as a final fallback when no other TopicType-specific method was found.


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a directed graph of TopicType inheritance
This function requires GraphvizPlugin

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renders a list of recent changes in a web
This uses solr and infintescroll to create a frontpage widget.

  • HEIGHT: height of scroll container, defaults to 40em
  • LIMIT: number of rows to render, defaults to 20
  • PAGE: from which page to start rendering
  • THEWEB: the web to render recent changes for
  • FILTER: filter to be added to the search query

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default implementation of an rss view of a single topic
This method is called by RssViewTemplate for each topic found. Note that this is a base-implementation for all TopicTypes processed. Individual TopicTypes may implement their own version called MyTopicTypeRenderRss. These are then called automatically using the %DBCALL{"web.topic->RenderRss"}% method call of the RssViewTemplate.

  • OBJECT: the current topic

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Render the sidebar navigation for the WikiWorkbench


TopicFunction to display a simple form to create a new topic
This function renders a topic creator form that holds a set of initial input elements to create a topic.

  • TEXT: headline text; defaults to "Create a new INCLUDINGTOPIC"
  • LABEL: label of the TopicTitle field, defaults to "Title"
  • BUTTONTEXT: text on the twisty buttinm; default New
  • VALUE: initial value of the title input field (optional)
  • VALUES: map of initial values to formfields; format is <fieldName1>=<value1>;<fieldName2>=<value2>;...
  • FORM: DataForm to be used when creating a topic, defaults to INCLUDINGWEB.INCLUDINGTOPIC
  • TEMPLATE: TopicTemplate to be used (optional)
  • TYPE: initial TopicType value, defaults to values predefined in the form definition
  • PARENT: parent topic for the new topic, defaults to the BASETOPIC
  • WHITEBOARD: switch on/off the whiteboard textarea
  • EXTRA: additional formfields
  • SCRIPT: script to be used to create the topic, eg save or edit, defaults is specified in referring TopicType
  • EDITOR: TopicView to be used as an edit_template
  • ENABLETWISTY: boolean switch to use/hide a twisty to hide the form initially, defaults to on
  • SHOWBUTTONS: boolean switch to show/hide the submit button of the form
  • THEWEB: target web where to create the topic, defaults to BASEWEB

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Render a simple factory to deploy a topic in another web
This is a tool to add a topic based application, or part of it to another web. This is done by creating a TopicStub that points back to the implementation. For example, to add a new TopicType to web, you create a TopicStub that points back to the implementation of that TopicType.

The function will display a small input form to specify the web where the TopicStub is to be created.

  • TEXT: headline for the install form, defaults to "Install BASETOPIC"
  • NAME: name of the topic to be created, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • SOURCE: used to specify the TopicStub's target to be created, defaults to BASEWEB.BASETOPIC
  • PARENT: topicparent of the new topic, defaults to HOMETOPIC
  • TEMPLATE: TopicTemplate used to create this topic, defaults to TopicStubTemplate
  • FORM: DataForm used for this topic, defaults to TopicStub
  • TYPE: type of the new topic, defaults to TopicStub
  • WIKIAPP: the name of the WikiApllication this topic belongs to, defaults to BASEWEB
  • EXTRA: extra stuff to be send during save

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Display thumbnail image for a topic

  • OBJECT: topic to generate a thumbnail for
  • ALIGN: optional alignment of image, defaults to right
  • SIZE: optional size of thumbnail
  • TYPE: image rendering type, see documentation of ImagePlugin, defaults to simple
  • CROP
  • TOOLTIP: switch on/off tooltips for thumbnails, defaults to on

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Display a table of topcis of a given type
  • TYPE: the TopicType to be searched for, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • FORM: the form definition of the TopicType, defaults to TYPE's DataForm definition
  • FIELDS: columns of formfields to display, defaults to TopicTitle, Summary, WikiApplication, Changed
  • HIDDENFIELDS: list of fields that are not shown
  • SORT: sorting of rows, defaults to unsorted
  • PAGING: boolean to enable/disable paged results, defaults to on
  • INFO: boolean to enable/disable infos for results, defaults to on
  • REVERSE: sorting direction, defaults to "off", defaults to "on" if SORT="Changed"
  • ROWS: number of rows to display initially, defauts to 10
  • FILTER: additional filter expression (optional)
  • THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB
  • TOPICS: list of topics to query per web, default: all
  • SAVESTATE: save state of sorting and filtering, defaults to "on"
  • SEARCHING: boolean to enable/disable, defaults to on
  • ROWNUMBERS: boolean toggle to switch on/off row numbers
  • ROWGROUP: column by which to group rows, default none
  • ROWCLASS: javascript function to add a css class to the row
  • ROWCALLBACK: javascript function to process rows
  • SELECTING: boolean toggle to switch on/off row selection, defaults to off
  • ORDERING: boolean toggle to switch on/off changing the sorting, defaults to on
  • SEARCHMODE: either have one single search box using global or one per column using multi, default global
  • LENGTHMENU: list of numbers appearing in the length menu to change the page size, defaults to 5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100
  • BUTTONS: list of buttons to show; possible values are excel, csv, print, pdf and copy
  • <field_name>_title: column title for the given field
  • <field_name>_width: column width for the given field

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RenderTopicsOfType (solr)

Display a table of topcis of a given type
  • TYPE: the TopicType to be searched for, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • FORM: the form definition of the TopicType, defaults to TYPE's DataForm definition
  • FIELDS: columns of formfields to display, defaults to TopicTitle, Summary, WikiApplication, Changed
  • HIDDENFIELDS: list of fields that are not shown
  • SORT: sorting of rows, defaults to unsorted
  • REVERSE: sorting direction, defaults to "off", defaults to "on" if SORT="Changed"
  • ROWS: number of rows to display initially, defauts to 10
  • FILTER: additional filter expression (optional)
  • THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB
  • TOPICS: list of topics to query per web, default: all
  • SAVESTATE: save state of sorting and filtering, defaults to "on"
  • ROWNUMBERS: boolean toggle to switch on/off row numbers
  • ROWGROUP: column by which to group rows, default none
  • ROWCLASS: javascript function to add a css class to the row
  • ROWCALLBACK: javascript function to process rows
  • SELECTING: boolean toggle to switch on/off row selection, defaults to off
  • ORDERING: boolean toggle to switch on/off changing the sorting, defaults to on
  • SEARCHMODE: either have one single search box using global or one per column using multi, default global
  • LENGTHMENU: list of numbers appearing in the length menu to change the page size, defaults to 5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100
  • BUTTONS: list of buttons to show; possible values are excel, csv, print, pdf and copy
  • <field_name>_title: column title for the given field
  • <field_name>_width: column width for the given field

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Renders a form to create a new WikiApplication
This is used to create a new WikiApplication

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Renders a dashboard for an application web
Renders the Applications of a WikiApplication subweb


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This function renders a view for a wiki topic, showing its title and the summary line.


  • OBJECT: the topic to render the view for, defaults to %BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%
  • TITLE_PREFIX: optional string put before the topic title. see RenderWikiTopicView
  • TITLE_EXTRA: optional addition to the topic title. see RenderWikiTopicView
  • TITLE_FIELDS: fields that make up the title aera, defaults to TopicTitle, Summary
  • DISPLAYREVISIONINFO: boolean flag to switch on/off revinfo
  • EDITABLE: boolean flag switching on/off inline editing, defaults to on

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Calls to 'RenderApplicationDocumentation'


© 2006-2025 Michael Daum

This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more details read the LICENSE.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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