returns a list of TopicTypes known in the base web

23 January 2017 - 08:56 | Version 1 |


This is a "getter" TopicFunction that returns a list of known TopicTypes in a given web. Use it to create a selection in DataForms for the TopicType formfield. It adds the "none" type so that you can have (temporarily) un-typed topics. The type "TopicType" is added hardcoded so that you don't have to rely on that type being present in your web and to allow bootstrapping a type system in a web from scratch on as you will be able to create an initial TopicType TopicType this way.

  • WEBS: list of webs to search for TopicTypes, defaults to BASEWEB
  • EXCLUDE: expression to exclude types (optional)
  • ADDITION: types that are listed additionally (optional)


  "TopicType, %IF{"defined ADDITION" then="%ADDITION%, "}% %FORMATLIST{
    format="$percntDBQUERY{\"TopicType=~'\bTopicType\b' OR@Target.TopicType=~'\bTopicType\b'\" 
        separator=\", \" 
  %IF{"defined EXCLUDE" then="exclude=\"%EXCLUDE%\""}%
  separator=", "


none, DataForm, DataFormAttribute, DocuTopic, FooBar, TopicFunction, TopicStub, TopicTemplate, TopicType, TopicView, WebTool, WikiApplication, WikiTopic

none, ApplicationLicense, ApplicationTopic, CategorizedTopic, Category, ClassifiedControlledTopic, ClassifiedTopic, ControlledTopic, DataForm, DataFormAttribute, DocuTopic, SeoTopic, TaggedTopic, TopicFunction, TopicStub, TopicTemplate, TopicType, TopicView, WebTool, WikiApplication, WikiTopic, WorkflowDefinition, WorkflowEmailTemplate


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