This type is attached to topics that contain documentation.
DocuTopics have a
section marked using
See also:
These sections can be extracted dynamically using
In general documentation should be as "near" to the application component as possible,
that is it should be embedded into the topic the component represents.
For example
TopicFunctions should be DocuTopics too. The documentation of TopicFunctions are
then aggregated on a master DocuTopic that contains calls to RenderApplicationDocumentation
for a set of components that are a kind of group, e.g. all types, forms, views and templates
implementing a certain model.
WikiApplications can contain documentation too. But if the documentation reaches a certain
complexity it should be moved to separate DocuTopics that the WikiApplication topic
links to.
DocuTopics, as all
TopicTypes belong to a certain WikiApplication and can thus be grouped
and distinguished.
Topics of type 'DocuTopic'
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