Categorization and folksomony application

28 January 2025 - 12:42 | Version 1 |
Version: 7.00
Author: Michael Daum
Copyright: © 2006-2025 Michael Daum
License: GNU General Public License, version 2



Type Hierarchy

G CategorizedTopic CategorizedTopic ClassifiedTopic ClassifiedTopic CategorizedTopic->ClassifiedTopic WikiTopic WikiTopic WikiTopic->CategorizedTopic ControlledTopic ControlledTopic WikiTopic->ControlledTopic TaggedTopic TaggedTopic WikiTopic->TaggedTopic WorkflowEmailTemplate WorkflowEmailTemplate WikiTopic->WorkflowEmailTemplate Category Category ClassifiedTopic->Category ClassifiedControlledTopic ClassifiedControlledTopic ClassifiedTopic->ClassifiedControlledTopic SeoTopic SeoTopic ClassifiedTopic->SeoTopic WorkflowDefinition WorkflowDefinition ClassifiedTopic->WorkflowDefinition ControlledTopic->ClassifiedControlledTopic TaggedTopic->ClassifiedTopic



content organized by categories
This is a TopicType for categorization only.

See also: ClassifiedTopic, TaggedTopic

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a classification in a field of knowledge
Categories are a kind of predefined "backgone" to organized content and facilitate navigation. Categories can be used for very different purposes. To effectively use categories you have to understand the difference to tags as they are available for TaggedTopics. So while tags are a kind of "keywords" that connect content in a per-to-per fashion, categories are a predefined hierarchy where content is situated in separate compartments.

Categories themselves are CategorizedTopics thus implementing a hierarchy.

See also:

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content organized by categories and tags
This TopicType inherits the properties of CategorizedTopic and TaggedTopic. Take those types if you want to categorize or tag content solely.

See also:

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a topic carrying search engine enhanced metadata


content organized by tags
This is a TopicType for topics that you want to tag. If you want to categorize them also use the ClassifiedTopic type.

See also: ClassifiedTopic, CategorizedTopic, TaggedTopicViewTemplate, TaggedTopicEditTemplate

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Display a categorized topic


Editor for category topics


View for Categories


Display a classified topic


definitions to establish a navigation among likewise topics


View for categories (PatternSkin variation)


Display a tagged topic


default template for a workfow notification


default reminder for workflows



Render a summary for ClassifiedTopics
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object listed within the Category topic.


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Render a summary for a Category in a category index
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object of type ClassifiedTopic.

  • SHOWSUBCATS: switch on/off direct subcategoriesm, defaults to on

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Render a summary for Categories
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object listed within the Category topic.


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Render a summary for a ClassifiedTopic in a category index
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object of type ClassifiedControlledTopic.


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Render a summary for a ClassifiedTopic in a category index
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object of type ClassifiedTopic.


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Renders an overview of all known categories
Renders an index of all known categories, top categories first.

  • NONE

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Render tools to handle categories
This function is called in Category topics.

See the also

  • CAT: category to be rendered, defaults to URLPARM{"catname" default="BASETOPIC"}
  • KEYWORDS: keywords to filter for
  • TAG: tags to be searching for in this category
  • EXCLUDE: categories to be excluded from the list
  • SHOWHEADER: switch on/off display anchors, defaults to off
  • SHOWTOPICS: switch on/off display of topics in this category; defaults to on
  • SHOWGROUPS: switch on/off alphabetic headers; defaults to off
  • SHOWFILTER: switch on/off the input field to filter the list items, defaults to off
  • SHOWSUBCATS: switch on/off display of subcategories, defaults to on
  • COLS: number of columns, defaults to CLASSIFICATIONPLUGIN_NRCOLS which itself defaults to 3

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Renders a list of parent categories for breadcrumbs navigation
If no category breadcrumbs are available, standard ones are created based on BASETOPIC. All information is extracted from BASEWEB.

  • CAT: name of category to render the breadcrumbs for, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • SEP: string used as a separator in the breadcrumbs

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Renders a hierarchical browser for categories

  • THEWEB: where to search for categories, defaults to %BASEWEB%
  • NAME: name of the formfield to store the selection (only used when MODE is set to select); defaults to Category
  • VALUE: list of pre-selected categories
  • TOP: node from where to start the category, defaults to TopCategory
  • MODE: could be edit, select or browse, defaults to browse
    • edit: allows to modify the hierarchy
    • select: select one or more categories; specify the name of the formfield to be used in the NAME parameter
    • browse: navigate among categories
  • MULTIPLE: on, off - toggle multiselect mode, defaults to on
  • BUTTONS: on, off - toggle the display of the buttons, defaults to on; you may also switch on individual buttons using a comma separated lists of ids filter, refresh, undo and/or clear
  • CLASSES: css classes to be applied to the input element

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Renders an edit widget for a category formfield
This function is deprecated. Please use RenderCategoryBrowser

  • THEWEB: the web where to look for classes, defaults to BASEWEB
  • NAME: name of the formfield to render the browser for
  • VALUE: list of pre-selected categories
  • TOP: node from where to start the category
  • EXCLUDE: pattern of categories to be excluded from the tree
  • BUTTONS: "on", "off", "top", "bottom": defines where to display the buttons, defaults to on (same as top)
  • FILTER: optional default text for the search box
  • ONCLICK: javascript handler to be called when a category is clicked, defaults to selecting the category
  • HIDENULL: "on" or "off", hide empty categories, defaults to off
  • NRLEAFS: list of cat:count values that specify the number of leaf nodes per category
  • NRTOPICS: list of cat:count values that specify the number of topics nodes per category
  • THEFORMAT: format of the link text; this is a named section as defined in RenderHierarchyAsJSON, defaults to editor
  • DEPTH: number of levels to extract, defaults to infinite depth
  • CLASSES: css classes for the input element

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Renders the content of the settings tab in the category editor
This function is used by the rest handler to render the settings tab in the category editor


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Renders the TopicView of a ClassifiedTopic (deprecated)

This function renders a view for a classified topic, showing its category and tagging info in the top.

  • OBJECT: the topic to render the view for, defaults to %BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%
  • TITLE_PREFIX: optional string put before the topic title. see RenderWikiTopicView
  • TITLE_EXTRA: optional addition to the topic title. see RenderWikiTopicView
  • TITLE_FIELDS: fields that make up the title aera, defaults to TopicTitle, Summary
  • DISPLAYREVISIONINFO: boolean flag to switch on/off revinfo
  • EDITABLE: boolean flag switching on/off inline editing, defaults to on

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Renders a hierarchy as a JSON object
This function is called by the RenderPlugin to implement the REST handler for the hierarchy browsers.

  • web: name of the web where to extract the hierarchy from, defaults to BASEWEB
  • root: top category inside the hierarchy to start extracting information from, defaults to TopCategory
  • exclude: pattern of categories to be excluded from the tree
  • depth: number of levels to extract, defaults to 2
  • format: one of "browser", "sidebar", or "editor", defaults to "browser"
  • open: categories to be expanded
  • hidenull: hides empty categories
  • nrleafs: list of cat:count items that specify the number of leafs per category; these values are used instead of computing them by HIERARCHY itself
  • nrtopics: list of cat:count items that specify the number of topics per category; these values are used instead of computing them by HIERARCHY itself

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Returns a list of categories
This function is used in the category selector's autocompletion textboxlist to return a set of matching categories given the prefix in the url param q. See the classificationplugin.tmpl template file.

  • CAT: pattern of categories to include, defaults to neutral filter; this pattern is to match the prefix of the category name
  • LIMIT: maximum number of categories to return, defaults to 10
  • THEWEB: web from which to extract category information, defaults to BASEWEB

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Returns a list of tags
This function is used in the tag editor's autocompletion textboxlist to return a set of matching tags given the prefix in the url param q. See the classificationplugin.tmpl template file.

  • TAG: pattern of tags to include, defaults to a neutral filter; this pattern is to match the prefix of the tag name
  • LIMIT: maximum number of categories to return, defaults to 10
  • THEWEB: web from which to extract category information, defaults to BASEWEB

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returns a list of known tags using SolrPlugin
This function is used in the tag editor's autocompletion textboxlist to return a set of matching tags given the prefix in the url param q. See the classificationplugin.tmpl template file. This in essence is functionally equivalent to RenderKnownTags however is using SolrPlugin if installed for better performance.

  • TAG: pattern of tags to include, defaults to a neutral filter; this pattern is to match the prefix of the tag name
  • LIMIT: maximum number of categories to return, defaults to 10
  • THEWEB: web from which to extract category information, defaults to BASEWEB

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Render tools to handle categories
This function displays part of the hierarchy a topic is situated in. It tries to provide a sense of "location" for the topic based on the way it is classified.

TODO: what do we display for topics that are not categorized?

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Renders a tag cloud using Solr
This renders a tag cloud getting tags from a solr search on recently changed data.

  • DAYS: number of recent days of changes to take under consideration, defaults to unlimited
  • RECENCY: maximum number of topics to harvest tags from, defaults to 100; a value of "all" will render a tag cloud considering all matching documents
  • LIMIT: maximum number of tags in the could, defaults to 100
  • MIN: minimum frequency of a tags to be shown
  • TAG: comma separated list of tags to be searched for in the archive; tags may be preceded with a dash (-) to exclude results containing this tag
  • CAT: comma separated list of categories to search for; categories may be preceded with a dash (-) to exclude results containing this tag
  • KEYWORDS: keywords to filter for
  • THEWEB: web to restrict search to, defaults to all
  • TYPE: content type to restrict results to, e.g. "topic" (default), "image", "video", "pdf", "zip", …, defaults to "topic"
  • SEARCHTOPIC: search topic, defaults to WebSearch

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renders topics of a category groupd by type

  • cat
  • web
  • showfilter

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list all topics not categorized yet
List all topics that are not filed into any category. Technically they are direct decendance of the TopCategory. See also RenderUntaggedTopics.

  • THEWEB: the web to search for, defaults to %BASEWEB%
  • EXCLUDE: regular expression of topics to be excluded, defaults to WebTopicEditTemplate

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list all topics not categorized yet
List all topics that are not tagged. See also RenderUncategorizedTopics.

  • THEWEB: the web to search for, defaults to %BASEWEB%
  • EXCLUDE: regular expression of topics to be excluded, defaults to UncategorizedTopics|UntaggedTopics|WebTopicEditTemplate

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Render a tool to list all classified topics in this web

  • TAG: comma separated list of tags to be searched for in the archive
  • CAT: restrict tag cloud to this category; displays all tags of all categories if unspecified
  • MIN: minimum frequency of a tags to be shown
  • LIMIT: maximum number of tags in the could, defaults to 100
  • TOPICTYPE: limit search for tags of topics of the given type, defaults to TaggedTopic|ClassifiedTopic
  • THEWEB: web to restrict search to, defaults to current

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uses sections plain_text and html_text from calling topic

  • topic

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renders an info block at the top of a ControlledTopic
This TopicFunction renders the header of a ControlledTopic.

  • OBJECT the topic to render the info block for

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Renders an index item for TaggedTopics
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object listed within the TaggedTopic.


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# Name Type
1 CategorizedTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  content organized by categories
2 CategorizedTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for CategorizedTopics
3 CategorizedTopicRenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a summary for ClassifiedTopics
4 CategorizedTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Display a categorized topic
5 Category TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a classification in a field of knowledge
6 CategoryBrowser WebTool, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Explore the categories in the current web
7 CategoryEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for category topics
8 CategoryRenderCategoryItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a summary for a Category in a category index
9 CategoryRenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a summary for Categories
10 CategoryViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  View for Categories
11 ClassifiedControlledTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  classified content under workflow control
12 ClassifiedControlledTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  an editor for ClassifiedControlledTopics
13 ClassifiedControlledTopicRenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a summary for a ClassifiedTopic in a category index
14 ClassifiedControlledTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView for ClassifiedControlldeTopics
15 ClassifiedTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  content organized by categories and tags
16 ClassifiedTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for ClassifiedTopics, NatSkin version
17 ClassifiedTopicRenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a summary for a ClassifiedTopic in a category index
18 ClassifiedTopicViewBaseTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  base for ClassifiedTopics
19 ClassifiedTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Display a classified topic
20 ControlledTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  content under workflow control
21 ControlledTopicEditBaseTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  base definitions for ControlledTopics
22 ControlledTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for ControlledTopics
23 ControlledTopicViewBaseTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  definitions for ControlledTopics
24 ControlledTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView for ControlledTopics
25 PaginationBaseTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  definitions to establish a navigation among likewise topics
26 PatternSkinCategoryViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  View for categories (PatternSkin variation)
27 RenderAllCategories TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders an overview of all known categories
28 RenderCategory TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render tools to handle categories
29 RenderCategoryBreadcrumbs TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a list of parent categories for breadcrumbs navigation
30 RenderCategoryBrowser TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a hierarchical browser for categories
31 RenderCategoryEditor TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders an edit widget for a category formfield
32 RenderCategorySettings TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders the content of the settings tab in the category editor
33 RenderClassifiedTopicView TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders the TopicView of a ClassifiedTopic (deprecated)
34 RenderHierarchyAsJSON TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a hierarchy as a JSON object
35 RenderKnownCats TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Returns a list of categories
36 RenderKnownTags TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Returns a list of tags
37 RenderKnownTagsSolr TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  returns a list of known tags using SolrPlugin
38 RenderSideBar TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render tools to handle categories
39 RenderSolrTagCloud TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders a tag cloud using Solr
40 RenderTopicsOfCategory TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  renders topics of a category groupd by type
41 RenderUncategorizedTopics TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  list all topics not categorized yet
42 RenderUntaggedTopics TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  list all topics not categorized yet
43 RenderWebTagCloud TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Render a tool to list all classified topics in this web
44 RenderWorkflowEmail TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
45 RenderWorkflowInfo TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  renders an info block at the top of a ControlledTopic
46 SeoTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a topic carrying search engine enhanced metadata
47 SeoTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for SeoTopics
48 SeoTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  View for SeoTopics
49 TaggedTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  content organized by tags
50 TaggedTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Editor for TaggedTopics
51 TaggedTopicRenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Renders an index item for TaggedTopics
52 TaggedTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Display a tagged topic
53 WebChanges WebTool, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  Most recent changes in this web
54 WebPreferences WebTool, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
55 WebTagCloud WebTool, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
56 WelcomeMessage ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  used on the frontpage of newly created webs
57 WorkflowDefinition TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  defines a workflow for controlled topics
58 WorkflowDefinitionViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView for WorkflowDefinitions
59 WorkflowEmailTemplate TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  a template for email notifications in a workflow
60 WorkflowEmailTemplateEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  editor for WorkflowEmailTemplates
61 WorkflowEmailTemplateViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  TopicView for WorkflowEmailTemplates
62 WorkflowNotificationTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  default template for a workfow notification
63 WorkflowReminderTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
  default reminder for workflows
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