Renders an edit widget for a category formfield

02 May 2019 - 09:59 | Version 1 |


This function is deprecated. Please use RenderCategoryBrowser

  • THEWEB: the web where to look for classes, defaults to BASEWEB
  • NAME: name of the formfield to render the browser for
  • VALUE: list of pre-selected categories
  • TOP: node from where to start the category
  • EXCLUDE: pattern of categories to be excluded from the tree
  • BUTTONS: "on", "off", "top", "bottom": defines where to display the buttons, defaults to on (same as top)
  • FILTER: optional default text for the search box
  • ONCLICK: javascript handler to be called when a category is clicked, defaults to selecting the category
  • HIDENULL: "on" or "off", hide empty categories, defaults to off
  • NRLEAFS: list of cat:count values that specify the number of leaf nodes per category
  • NRTOPICS: list of cat:count values that specify the number of topics nodes per category
  • THEFORMAT: format of the link text; this is a named section as defined in RenderHierarchyAsJSON, defaults to editor
  • DEPTH: number of levels to extract, defaults to infinite depth
  • CLASSES: css classes for the input element


<div id="clsCatSelector_%IF{"defined NAME" then="%NAME%" else="Category"}%" class="clsCatSelector { nothingFound:'%TRANSLATE{"Nothing found"}%', web:'%IF{"defined THEWEB" then="%THEWEB%" else="%BASEWEB%"}%', topic:'%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%', fieldname:'%IF{"defined NAME" then="%NAME%" else="Category"}%', hidenull: '%IF{"defined HIDENULL" then="%HIDENULL%" else="off"}%', root:'%IF{"defined TOP" then="%TOP%" else="TopCategory"}%', exclude:'%IF{"defined EXCLUDE" then="%EXCLUDE%"}%', format:'%IF{"defined THEFORMAT" then="%THEFORMAT%" else="editor"}%' %IF{"defined DEPTH" then=", depth: '%DEPTH%'"}% %IF{"defined NRLEAFS" then=", nrleafs: '%NRLEAFS%'"}% %IF{"defined NRTOPICS" then=", nrtopics: '%NRTOPICS%'"}% %IF{"defined ONCLICK" then=", onclick: function(elem, editor) {$percntONCLICK$percnt}"}% }">
<input type="hidden" name="%IF{"defined NAME" then="%NAME%" else="Category"}%" class="clsCategoryField" value="%IF{"defined VALUE" then="%VALUE%"}%" />
  %IF{"$'BUTTONS'='top' or $'BUTTONS'='on' or not defined BUTTONS" 
    then="$percntDBCALL{\"%WEB%.%TOPIC%\" section=\"buttons\"}$percnt"
    else="<!-- no buttons -->"
  <div class="clsBrowser"></div>
    then="$percntDBCALL{\"%WEB%.%TOPIC%\" section=\"buttons\"}$percnt"
    else="<!-- no buttons -->"
%DBCALL{"%WEB%.%TOPIC%" section="init"}%


%STARTSECTION{"init"}%<!-- -->
%JQREQUIRE{"treeview, ui"}%<!-- -->
  text="<script type='text/javascript' src='%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/ClassificationPlugin/jquery.catselector.js'></script>" 
}%<!-- -->
  text="<link rel='stylesheet' href='%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/ClassificationPlugin/styles.css' media='all' />"
}%<!-- -->%ENDSECTION{"init"}%


%STARTSECTION{"buttons"}%<!-- -->
<div class="clsButtonBox">
  %BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Clear"}%" icon="application" class="clsClearButton"}%
  %BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Undo"}%" icon="arrow_refresh" class="clsUndoButton"}%
  %BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Filter"}%" icon="find" class="clsFilterButton"}%
  <input type="text" name="filter" size="30" value="%IF{"defined FILTER" then="%FILTER%"}%" class="foswikiInputField clsFilterField" style="display:none" />
.clsButtonBox .jqButton {
<!-- -->%ENDSECTION{"buttons"}%



© 2006-2025 Michael Daum

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