Renders a hierarchical browser for categories

28 January 2025 - 12:42 | Version 1 |


  • THEWEB: where to search for categories, defaults to %BASEWEB%
  • NAME: name of the formfield to store the selection (only used when MODE is set to select); defaults to Category
  • VALUE: list of pre-selected categories
  • TOP: node from where to start the category, defaults to TopCategory
  • MODE: could be edit, select or browse, defaults to browse
    • edit: allows to modify the hierarchy
    • select: select one or more categories; specify the name of the formfield to be used in the NAME parameter
    • browse: navigate among categories
  • MULTIPLE: on, off - toggle multiselect mode, defaults to on
  • BUTTONS: on, off - toggle the display of the buttons, defaults to on; you may also switch on individual buttons using a comma separated lists of ids filter, refresh, undo and/or clear
  • CLASSES: css classes to be applied to the input element


%STARTINCLUDE%<div class="jqHierarchy clsBrowser" data-web="%THEWEB{default="%BASEWEB%"}%" data-root="%TOP{default="TopCategory"}%" %IF{"'%MODE%'='select'" then="data-input-field-name='%NAME{default="Category"}%'"}% data-mode="%MODE{default="browse"}%" data-display-counts="true" data-container=".jqHierarchyContainer" data-sort="on" data-multiple="%IF{"'%MULTIPLE{default="on"}%'='on'" then="true" else="false"}%">
      then="<input type='hidden' name='%NAME{default="Category"}%' value='%VALUE{default=""}%' class='%CLASSES{default=""}%' />"
      then="$percntDBCALL{\"%WEB%.%TOPIC%\" section=\"buttons\" buttons=\"%BUTTONS{default="on"}%\"}$percnt"
    }%<div class="jqHierarchyContainer jqUITooltip" data-theme='default' data-position="right" data-arrow="true"></div>
%DBCALL{"%WEB%.%TOPIC%" section="init"}%%STOPINCLUDE%


%STARTSECTION{"init"}%%JQREQUIRE{"jstree, pnotify, wikiword, ui::tooltip, blockui"}%<!-- -->
  text="<script src='%PUBURLPATH%/System/ClassificationPlugin/build/jquery.hierarchy.js'></script>" 
}%<!-- -->%ENDSECTION{"init"}%


%STARTSECTION{"buttons"}%<div class="jqHierarchyButtons jqUITooltip" data-theme="info" data-position="top" data-arrow="true">
 <input type="text" size="28" class="foswikiInputField jqHierarchySearchField" style="display:none" /> 
 %IF{"'%buttons%'=~'\bfilter\b' or '%buttons%'='on'"
    then="%BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Filter"}%" icon="fa-binoculars" class="simple jqHierarchySearchButton" title="%TRANSLATE{"Search for matching categories"}%"}%"
 }%<!-- -->
 %IF{"'%USERNAME%' ingroup 'AdminGroup' and ('%buttons%'=~'\brefresh\b' or '%buttons%'='on')" 
   then="%BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Refresh"}%" icon="fa-refresh" class="jqHierarchyRefreshButton simple" title="%TRANSLATE{"Refresh hierarchy cache on the backend"}%"}%"
 }%<!-- -->
 %IF{"'%buttons%'=~'\bclear\b' or '%buttons%'='on'"
    then="%BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Clear"}%" icon="fa-eraser" class="simple jqHierarchyClearButton" title="%TRANSLATE{"Empty the selection"}%""}%"
 }%<!-- -->
 %IF{"'%buttons%'=~'\bundo\b' or '%buttons%'='on'"
    then="%BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Undo"}%" icon="fa-undo" class="simple jqHierarchyUndoButton" title="%TRANSLATE{"Reset the selection"}%""}%"
 }%<!-- -->


select multiple

select single



Calls to 'RenderCategoryBrowser'


© 2006-2025 Michael Daum

This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more details read the LICENSE.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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