A List of User Documentation
Documentation mainly useful to end users
- Linking topics using acronyms.
- AccessControl
- Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by users and groups
- BeginnersStartHere
- This is a short introduction to Foswiki.
- DataForms
- Structured data, how to set up and work with data forms.
- FileAttachment
- Each topic can have one or more files of any type attached to it by using the Attach screen to upload (or download) files from your local PC. Attachments are stored under revision control: uploads are automatically backed up; all previous versions of a modified file can be retrieved.
- FormattedSearch
- Customize the display of search results.
- FrequentlyAskedQuestions
- This is a real FAQ, and also a demo of an easily implemented knowledge-base solution. You may view the code for the topic creator or raw text of the whole topic to see how it was done.
- GlossaryOfTerms
- Glossary of Foswiki-specific terminology.
- GoodStyle
- A short list of hints and recommendations that are considered basic knowledge when starting to edit existing topics.
- IncludeTopicsAndWebPages
- Embed topics, or subsections of topics, or other web pages.
- InstalledPlugins
- This site is running Foswiki version v2.1.9 , Release 18 Dec 2024, Foswiki API version 2.5
- Macros
- Special text strings expand on the fly to display information, or trigger a function.
- MacrosQuickReference
- See Macros for a detailed description of how to use Macros
- MainFeatures
- the ideal collaboration tool?
- ManagingTopics
- Browser-based rename, move, copy, and delete for individual topics
- ManagingWebs
- Browser-based rename, move, copy, and delete for individual webs
- PreferenceSettings
- A preference setting lets you define a simple macro that will be expanded in your output. In addition:
- QuerySearch
- Query searches help you search the contents of forms attached to your topics, as well as the values of other meta-data attached to the topic. Using query searches you can search:
- QuerySearchPatternCookbook
- This topic provides tips on the usage of QuerySearch.
- RegularExpression
- Regular expressions (REs), unlike simple text queries, allow you to search for text which matches a particular pattern.
- SearchPatternCookbook
- The Search function is very powerful. Searches using a RegularExpression play an important part of tapping Foswiki's full potential. Unfortunately RegularExpressions can be incredibly obscure to the uninitiated.
- StandardColors
- This table can be used to choose a color in WebPreferences of each web.
- TextEditor
- A text editor is different from a WYSIWYG editor because it doesn't do display formatting like bold type, or mixed font styles, sizes and colors.
- TimeSpecifications
- Date/time formats recognised and generated by Foswiki.
- TopicMarkupLanguage
- The special text format used in Foswiki topics to simplify topic text.
- TopicsAndWebs
- What are Topics and Webs?
- TwentyMinuteTutorial
- This step-by-step, hands-on tutorial gets you up to speed with all the Foswiki basics…
- UserSetting
- Some of the preference settings are explicitly intended to be customized by users, though a default is provided in DefaultPreferences and site wide customisation can take place in SitePreferences.
- UsingHTML
- When, and how, to use HTML in topics.
- WYSIWYG is an acronym for for "What You See Is What You Get". Foswiki allows you to edit content using a WYSIWYG editor. This editor lets you edit the topic as it will appear when you save the topic, just like a text processor.
- WikiCulture
- General concept and idea of wikis.
- WikiSyntaxSummary
- Online help for new users of Foswiki when editing a page.
- WikiWord
- A WikiWord consists of two or more words with initial capitals, run together. WikiWords are used to refer to topics.
- YouAreHere
- AdminDocumentationCategory
- List of documents relevant for the installer and administrator of the Foswiki installation
- AdminToolsCategory
- List of tools available to the Foswiki administrator
- DeveloperDocumentationCategory
- List of documents for application developers as well as developers of skins and extensions.
- UserToolsCategory
- List of tools the user may need for setting and resetting passwords, changing email address etc.