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Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::JQDataTablesPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::JQDataTablesPlugin::FoswikiConnector

    base class for grid connectors that deal with foswiki topic data

    ObjectMethod restHandleSave( $request, $response )

    a standard save backend. it assumes that columns in a grid correspond to formfields of a DataForm being attached to the target topic. The target topic is provided via the "id" url parameter. Other url parameters are considered to be the name of the formfield, except "id" and "oper".

    sub getForm($web, $topic) → $formDef

    returns a Foswiki::Form for the given web.topic address; may return undef when the form does not exist

    ObjectMethod convertResult( %params ) → \%row

    convert a result to a rows for datatable.

    This implementation may be shared among all connectors that deal with foswiki data.

    ObjectMethod isValueMapped( $fieldDef ) → $boolean

    should be in FieldDefinition

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